Stories from Our Advocates

At CASA First, we are committed to providing a safe, positive, and loving future for all children in our community. We invite you to view the stories below to learn more about the positive impact we’ve had on our community.

CASA Reflection:

Building Trust with Maya

“Last year, I was assigned an infant, Jamie, who is a victim of injury due to severe physical abuse. The mother, Maya, was told her daughter would likely experience significant vision and hearing losses, chronic seizures, and never walk. Fortunately, through CASA First, early on we were able to tap into available resources such as the Crime Victims Reparation Commission Funding, Santa Fe Children’s Medical Services, Las Cumbres Community Services, New Mexico School for the Deaf Early Intervention Program testing and other support resources, including applying for a Developmental Disabilities Waiver to extend Jamie’s support services for years to come.

Maya and I met weekly, sometimes just to remind her she wasn’t navigating everything alone and at times I would just sit with her while she cared for her baby. CYFD recently closed the case and this little one is well on her way to assisted walking, though will still face other life-long challenges. Most importantly, through CASA First and my support, Maya is able to focus her efforts on what can be done for her daughter instead of what was done to her.”

Abrigo Reflection:

New Steps with Isabel

Isabel is a new, teenage mother who was previously in foster care and recently aged out. Her Abrigo Advocate provided her with formula, diapers, and a new crib for her newborn, while being a steady source of emotional support for her as she navigates this new chapter of her life. 

CASA Reflection:

Boosting David’s Self-Esteem

“Thank you for everything you do to support this youth! David was thrilled with the Xbox. I told him that the previous owner had been a foster child like himself which really moved him. David told me, “Carl, I used to lie all of the time. I would tell kids at school and the Y that I had an Xbox and make up stories of the games that I played. Cool kids have an Xbox and I wanted to be a cool kid. And guess what? I don’t have to lie anymore ‘cause now I have one and now I am a cool kid too. Also, I have the games I told everyone that I had.” He knew every single game and was overjoyed. and it makes me so happy to see his self-esteem really improve.”

CASA Reflection:
Checking in with Jason

“15-year-old Jason was housed in a shelter, and then a residential facility with no family involved. Only his social worker and I, his CASA, were on the visitor list. Jason and I became close and during some hard periods he would call me almost every day just to check in. I see clearly that I am making a difference in his life.”

CASA Reflection:
Sending Serenity Off with Care

“As newborn Serenity’s CASA, I made sure that before she was sent out of state to live with her adoptive family, the family first came to visit her, created a bond and learned from her medical providers how to care for her.”

CASA Reflection:

Sparking Joy with Sebastian

“During my visits with Sebastian, I have come to know the eleven other youth at the group home where he lives. This past Christmas I rallied a bunch of generous friends to help provide a great Christmas for all the kids there. We provided Christmas trees and decorations for both the girls’ and boys’ units, personalized stockings and ornaments, and even held a cookie decorating party.

One of my hairdresser friends visited and gave them each a haircut for the holidays. I also met with each youth to get an individualized Christmas gift wish from them, and my friends helped purchase EVERYTHING they asked for. These kids, some of whom do not have any family in their lives, were blown away and watching them open their gifts was one of the highlights of my life.”

Abrigo Reflection:

Celebrating Michael’s Birthday

Michael, a 15-year-old boy currently living in a homeless shelter, was referred to us because he was in need of a positive male role model. He was matched up with Sam, an Abrigo Advocate. As Sam got to know Michael, he learned that Michael had never had his birthday celebrated before, including never having a birthday cake. His birthday was approaching, so Sam contacted a bakery in Los Alamos to have a cake made for him that was Pokemon-themed. Michael not only received his first birthday cake, but had the opportunity to have a day centered on celebrating him.

CASA Reflection:
Showing Up for Stephanie

“If I had not been assigned as her CASA, I don’t think anyone would have attended Stephanie’s high school graduation. Being there gave her hope that people do care.”

CASA Reflection:
Prioritizing Brotherly Bonds

“As their CASA, I make sure that my little boys, ages 4 and 6, who were placed apart, get to talk and see each other regularly.”

CASA Reflection:
Holding Space for Grief

One of our CASAs was assigned their case in May of 2023. December 2023, in a time of great grief and crisis, the CASA’s youth reached out to them. The youth’s brother had suddenly passed away. The first call the youth made was to their CASA. Immediately, the CASA showed up emotionally, physically and practically. The CASA spent the following days alongside this youth, supporting and assisting them with the steps that come after a family death. The CASA was present and empathetic, providing comfort and companionship. The CASA contacted all the parties involved on the youth’s case, to assist the youth with the details of the funeral. Their relationship is remarkable: built on trust, consistency and showing up. The youth feels seen and safe enough to reach out in the direst of times.


466 W. San Francisco Street
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501

(505) 820-1500